Tuesday, 19 May 2009

too many dishes

You might wonder why I chose to call my blog 'too many dishes'.
 In Asia, we tend to use a lot of small plates for different side dishes, pickles, etc

...so when I have friends over for dinner, it sometimes looks like this:
which means my sink very quickly looks like that ^^
But that's not all! The first time I went to a restaurant with my colleagues in August 2007, I got really confused because people were saying my name all the time although they didn't seem to be talking to me nor about me. It turned out this chinese character '皿' means plate or dish and is read [ sa ra]. 
Since then, I often introduce myself to Japanese people that way:

'My name is Sarah. I like cooking and eating. Remember me as .'

Monday, 18 May 2009

where I live (3)

Si vous avez un peu de temps et que vous voulez comprendre la societe dans laquelle j'evolue en ce moment, je vous recommende de voir le film Okuribito (Departures) qui a recu un oscar l'annee derniere. Le sujet du film est un peu particulier, mais les relations entre les personages sont tres realistes.

Pour avoir une meilleur idee de ce que c'est de travailler dans une ecole au fin fond de la campagne Japonaise, je vous recommende le livre Botchan de Natsume Soseki. C'est un classique Japonais, ecrit en 1905. Le personage principale Botchan est un jeune prof originaire de Tokyo et envoye sur l'ile de Shikoku pour enseigner les maths. Il raconte son experience dans le village et a l'ecole. C'est un peu particulier, mais mis a part quelque details, mon experience et celle d'autres assistants de langue ici est TRES similaire a son recit. 100 plus tard! 100ans!

La ou je vis (2)

Have you heard of Tadao Ando 安藤忠雄? Probably not, but he has built museums, places of worship and apartment complexes around the world. If you want to know more about him and his work, check this page www.designboom.com/eng/interview/ando.html
T.A. about his work "In all my works, light is an important controlling factor, I create enclosed spaces mainly by means of thick concrete walls. The primary reason is to create a place for the individual, a zone for oneself within society. When the external factors of a city's environment require the wall to be without openings, the interior must be especially full and satisfying." 

I happen to live in one of his building ^^!

Sunday, 17 May 2009

La ou je vis/Where I live

 I live on the island of Shikoku, about 1h30 from Kobe (by bus).
I am in Naruto city, Tokushima prefecture.

team teaching manzai style

A few months ago, one of my colleague told me that working with me was like doing manzai. 

I'm a language assistant so most of my job consists in team teaching English classes with a Japanese teacher of English (JTE). It can be fun, frustrating, a waste of time, amazing, boring ...every teacher (I currently work with 11 JTEs) and every class (25 ) reacts differently so it requires a lot of adaptation.
When that teacher compared our working relationship to that of manzai comedians, I thought it was hilarious but I had forgotten all about it until I saw a manzai show on TV today ^^.

Manzai (漫才) is a style of stand-up comedy in Japan, which usually involves two performers—a straight man (tsukkomi) and a funny man(boke)—trading jokes at great speed. Most of the jokes revolve around mutual misunderstandings, double-talk, puns and other verbal gags.

 I wonder if I am the boke or the tsukkomi...


La meilleure recette de cookies/ the best cookie recipe

-250g farine/flour
-170g beurre/butter
-300g sucre/sugar
-1 oeuf/egg
-1 jaune d'oeuf/egg yolk
-1/2  c-a-c de sel /tsp salt
-1/2 c-a-c de bicarbonate de soda/tsp baking soda
-1 c-a-c d'extrait de vanille/ tsp vanilla extract
-200g de pepites de chocolat/chocolate chips

(1) Melanger le beurre mou et le sucre. Ajouter l'extrait de vanille et les oeufs.
Mix the butter and sugar. Add the vanilla extract and eggs.
(2) Tamiser la farine, ajouter le sel et le bicarbonate de soda. Bien melanger et ajouter les pepites de chocolat.
Sift the flour, add the salt and baking soda. Mix well and add the chocolate chips.
(3) Garder la pate au frigo pendant 10min et prechauffer le four a 165c.
 Keep the dough in the fridge for 10min and preheat the oven at 165c.
(4) Former les cookies et cuire environ 15min.
Form cookies and bake for about 15min.

Bon appetit!



Je me suis enfin decidee a ecrire un blog! Ca fait presque 2ans que j'habite au Japon- le temps passe vite!- et que mon quotidien est rempli de choses etranges et farfelues que je ne remarque meme plus...Je vais tenter ici de vous decrire ce qu'est ma vie au fin fond de la brousse Japonaise!
- et partager mes recettes preferes

I am finally getting my own blog! I have been in Japan for almost 2years- time flies by!- and my daily life is full of weird and funny things that I hardly even notice anymore...I'll try to give you an impression of what life is like in rural Japan!
- and share my favourite recipes

Tanoshinde kudasai ^^ Let's enjoy together!